Does CBD Get You High?

The short answer: No.
The long and science-y answer: The hemp plant is comprised of multiple cannabinoids. THC, tetrahydrocannabinol, is the cannabinoid that is known to get you “high”. It is an agonist - or, activator- of the cannabinoid1 (CB1) receptors in your brain. This creates psychoactive changes your prefrontal cortex and your ability to make decisions, pay attention, and efficiently use your motor skills. This is why ingesting marijuana is associated with goofy behavior and slowed reaction time.
The second cannabinoid found in the hemp plant is Cannabidiol, CBD.
CBD affects multiple receptors throughout your body. Instead of binding directly to the cannabinoid receptors in the way THC does, CBD influences receptors, which naturally increases the level of endocannabinoids your body produces, making you feel relaxed. With topical application, results like reduction of swelling, discomfort and pain have been seen. CBD also has anti-seizure, and anti-anxiety properties.
CBD can contain trace amounts of THC, but not enough to make you feel high. The limit of THC in hemp extract products where cannabis is restricted is less than 0.3 percent based on dry weight.
Not only does CBD not get you high on it’s own, but it actually interferes with THC’s ability to activate the CB1 receptors when they are taken together, resulting in a more relaxed and less paranoid feeling.
So, go ahead and enjoy the warm hug of relaxation courtesy of your CBD, without the worry of feeling loopy or acting crazy.