What should farmers look for in a hemp extraction partner?

The cannabis industry is gaining momentum like a freight train, and with more exposure and demand (and profits) surging, there are many great new opportunities arising for farmers that want to cash in on this new crop.
According to CNN Business, total 2018 sales for hemp-based products in the US were about $1.1 billion, and expected to more than double by 2022. For a plant with over 25,000 known uses, the demand for hemp continues to outrun production, and there seems to be no shortage of options when it comes time to harvest and sell your crop.
But with all the excitement attached to this emerging industry and influx of businesses wanting to get involved, how can you be sure you are working with a reputable processor? Selecting an armature extraction facility is extremely risky and may put you in jeopardy of losing your investment; unlicensed handling of hemp could be seized or quarantined for days, causing spoilage and sending your profits down the drain.
When selecting an extraction partner, consider:
- Is the facility clean and professional?
- Does the facility have the proper state license?
- Can the facility handle the entire harvest?
- Is the facility easy to reach or do they offer pick up services?
- Can they buy your entire crop or offer toll process options?
Choosing a processing partner you trust, who can help you navigate the ins and outs of this up and coming new and exciting industry, is paramount to the success of your hemp crop. For more information on your options when choosing a partner, and to hear how Kancanna has positioned itself to ensure your profitability, feel free to reach out and talk to one of our specialists.